Sachith’s Story as a Developer

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a Developer? Then this story is for you.

Sachith Lakmal, an Associate Tech Lead at JIT, shares his experience giving us a walkthrough into his life in this role, to get to know a little bit what it’s like to be a software developer.

Here’s what Sachith Shared with us.

Why did you want to become a developer?

This was my ambition since I was a kid. When my friends wanted to become Doctors and engineers, I always wanted to be a Software engineer. I pride myself on having design-, conceptual- and software-skills.

What skills do you need to have as a developer?

This vary from which type of developer you want to be. As an example, if you want to be a Web developer, you need to know the related web technologies. If you want to be a mobile application developer there are other technologies you need to learn.

Nowadays companies don’t just recruit backend developers, front end developers etc. The trend is full-stack developer who knows programming languages, databases, testing etc. Like an all-rounder.

Can you describe a typical day in the office?

My job is to make sure the live application runs smooth as possible. In order to do that, we monitor the live system and if having any load problems during peak hours. If any issue, we have to act immediately to solve the issue.

Apart from that we have to fix bugs reported in live environment and we do new feature developments. This is what keeps me going every day and which I love to do.

What’s the best thing about your job?

For me the best thing about the job is that I get to solve challenging issues. For most issues we get solutions from internet. There are some issues which we research in depth in order to resolve the issue. That’s what make me a better developer every day.

What is your advice to freshers who is eager to experience developing?

Technology is changing every day, so we need to learn lot of things. However, rather than leaning all the things at once, freshers should focus on learning a primary programming langue up to a certain level. I have seen most developers they learn lot of languages and tools but only bits and pieces. Once you fully confident with one language, it is easy to move in to either areas easily.

You will find different challenges than in your day-to-day coding and hopefully find yourself totally immersed. Doing something you love as a job can sometimes make you forget why you started in the first place. It’s important to stay in touch with that feeling and your intrinsic motivation.


Are you a Software Engineer looking for a new challenge and does Sachith’s story inspire you? Perfect! We have several stories coming up that might be interesting for you! Keep in touch!!

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